SEI would like to send a big shout out to Zero Mass Water for taking water vapor in the air and condensing it to a drinkable form!  Recently, SEI, through a generous donation by board member and instructor Ken Gardner, acquired a Zero Mass Water unit that with the aid of PV can take everyday air and change it to very drinkable water. The unit sits on campus for students to see, demo and drink from!  Director of Campus and Hands-On Training, Pete Mueller, comments, “there is so much need around the world for a stand-alone system that produces clean water from air”.  Come check out the system at the Paonia, CO lab yard and have a glass of water on us.  To learn more about Zero Mass Water visit:

SEI Instructor Ken Gardener shows the Zero Mass Water system to students in SEI’s MH101: Micro-Hydro Design & Installation class.