Interfaith Power and Light (IPL) is seeking a small team of volunteers to expand its support to houses of worship who are considering installing a solar PV system.  To date, over 1200 congregations in the United States have installed PV systems, but this is just a small fraction of those interested. Be a part of engaging faith communities towards environmental stewardship and climate action!

IPL provides congregational “Green Teams” or similar supporters a preliminary analysis of the financial benefits of a PV system compared with their current and forecast utility-supplied electricity costs; this analysis (if favorable) allows the interested congregants to obtain sufficient Board, Elder or Congregational support to seek formal proposals for installation and financing (where allowed).

IPL is looking  for volunteers from SEI’s professional network to expand this effort to more states. Volunteers are needed to:

  • Process inquiries from congregations interested in pursuing solar
  • Assess their demand and potential on-site capacity using PVWatts or similar software
  • Create an estimate of PV system cost versus grid-supplied electricity
  • Identify benefits of financing (as appropriate)
  • Provide other options if solar does not seem to function well

If you are interested in learning more about this volunteer opportunity, please contact Jerry Bernstein [email protected]. IPL will provide a Zoom briefing with further details and discussion with those interested. This volunteer opportunity is ongoing and will require 1 to 2 hours a week. Please share out to whomever you think may be interested in this volunteer or learning opportunity in your network.

NOTE: all work is conducted remotely, a request may come from any state, and these preliminary analyses are not intended to create a sales opportunity.  Indeed, no volunteer would be assigned to a congregation if their employer (present or former) might have a financial benefit from the outcome of this assistance.


Interfaith Power & Light (IPL) is one of the nation’s largest, faith-based environmental non-profits. IPL works with congregations of all faith traditions to support renewable and energy efficiency projects and advocates for climate solutions.  IPL affiliates operate in 40 states.