PVOL202: Solar Training - Advanced PV System Design and the NEC (Grid-Direct) - Online

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Take a deep dive into National Electrical Code (NECĀ® 2020) standards as well as other best practices that pertain to designing safe and efficient grid-direct PV systems. PV202 focuses on residential and commercial-scale systems, but the Code requirements, design parameters, and best practices are applicable to all types and sizes of PV installations, including utility-scale. Detailed lessons address requirements for disconnects, overcurrent protection, and wire sizing; interconnection requirements and calculations; grounding, ground-faults, and surge protection; calculations and examples for system sizing, inverter selection, and electrical configuration; ground and roof mount details; and labeling and data acquisition systems.

PREREQUISITE COURSE: Before participating in the PVOL202 course, students MUSTĀ complete PV101 or PVOL101, have NABCEP certification, take an equivalent course from another organization or demonstrate field experience and pass a placement quiz.

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Students who complete PVOL202 will be able to:

  • Define the purpose of the National Electrical Code (NECĀ®) and NECĀ® terminology for PV equipment
  • Determine procedures for proper installation of equipment and conductors, including minimum requirements for working space
  • Examine methods for PV wire management and determine where expansion fittings are required
  • Describe and identify electrical services, including split-phase and three-phase Wye (Y) and Delta (āˆ†)
  • Evaluate electrical service details to collect and record during solar site evaluation
  • Identify options for NECĀ®-compliant PV system interconnection to the utility grid and determine whether a supply side, load side, or additional service connection is appropriate
  • Identify code-compliant methods for connecting an inverter to an existing AC feeder
  • Calculate PV module voltage based on temperature to ensure compatibility with system components and NECĀ® Section 690.7, and explore other options for maximum PV system DC voltage calculations
  • Identify NECĀ® requirements and sizing of disconnects and overcurrent protection devices (OCPDs) in grid-direct PV systems
  • Define inverter grounding configurations
  • Evaluate inverter choices and system configurations, including string inverters, central inverters, and module level power electronics (MLPE)
  • Identify requirements for equipment grounding, equipment grounding conductors (EGC), and grounding electrode conductors (GEC), and size the conductors according to the NECĀ®
  • Identify common causes of ground-faults and arc-faults
  • Describe ground-fault and arc-fault protection devices
  • Describe benefits and appropriate locations of surge protection devices (SPD)
  • Demonstrate the use of sun charts and perform calculations to determine row spacing and minimize inter-row shading
  • Identify how Codes detailing access for first responders impact PV array roof layout
  • Examine fire classifications that affect racking and module selection
  • Detail NEC rapid shutdown requirements and options for implementation
  • Identify load and structural considerations for low- and steep-slope roof-mounted PV systems
  • Calculate wind uplift force and select appropriate lag bolts
  • Review issues related to planning, design, and installation of ground-mount PV arrays
  • Review PV system circuit terminology, definitions, and conductor types
  • Calculate minimum overcurrent protection device (OCPD) size and conductor ampacity using appropriate adjustment and correction factors
  • Calculate voltage drop and verify system operation within acceptable limits
  • Examine requirements for PV system labeling
  • Calculate the maximum and minimum number of modules per PV source circuit, and number of PV source circuits per inverter
  • Determine size of residential grid-direct PV system based on site and customer-specific considerations including the number and wiring layout of modules, conductor and OCPD sizes, and the AC interconnections
  • Determine the size of a large, multiple inverter, grid-direct PV system based on site and customer-specific considerations, including the quantity and layout of modules and inverters and the AC interconnection
  • Define large-scale PV and review associated NECĀ® allowances and requirements
  • Describe importance of Data Acquisition Systems (DAS)
  • Identify common DAS equipment and hardware
  • Review DAS design, installation, and commissioning processes and common
    problems associated with DAS
  • Show how reports can be generated and utilized to remotely assess health of

PREREQUISITE COURSE: Before participating in the PVOL202 course, students MUSTĀ complete PV101 or PVOL101, an equivalent course from another organization, have NABCEP certification, or demonstrate field experience and pass a placement quiz. Please contactĀ [email protected]Ā if you feel you are qualified to skip the prerequisite for PVOL202.

ONLINE CAMPUS DETAILS: Students can log into their course at any time for the full duration of the specified course. The course is self-paced with no required log-in times, but all graded materials must be completed by the end date of the course. Live instructors give feedback, grade your work and answer questions in discussion forums or by email.

Click here for Computer & Software Requirements for online courses.

To view in-person sessions of this workshop, click PV202.

For information on SEI’s Solar Professionals Certificate Program please click here.Ā  For information on SEI’s workshop and training program policies please click here.

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PolĆ­ticas de CapacitaciĆ³n


Solar Energy International (SEI) is approved and regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Division of Private Occupational Schools.*Ā 

Enrollment: Ā Prospective students may enroll anytime. Ā Late enrollments will be accepted on an individual basis for online courses, and the first day of class for in-person and hands-on labs courses. Ā Enrollment is on a first-come basis and class sizes are limited. To reserve a space you can register online or call in to register at 970-527-7657 option 1 and make payment in full. If you are sending a check, call first to check on availability and to let us know that you are sending payment.

Lodging & Logistics:Ā  SEI’s main campus and Lab Facility is in Paonia, Colorado. Ā For detailed info about Paonia click here. Ā Local logistics and lodging for each workshop venue are available on the location page for each workshop. More information will also be sent to registered students upon confirmation of registration.

Waiting List:Ā  If a workshop is full we will place you on the waiting list. There is no charge to be on the waiting list. If space becomes available, we contact the first person on the list. You then have 24 hours to register before we move on to the next person.

Cancellation & Refund Policies: Ā Students not accepted to the school are entitled to all moneys paid. Ā Students who cancel this contract by notifying the school within three (3) business days (*of original registration) are entitled to a full refund of all tuition and fees paid. Ā Students, who withdraw after three (3) business days, but before commencement of classes, are entitled to a full refund of all tuition and fees paid except the maximum cancellation charge of $150.00 or 25% of the contract price, whichever is less. Ā In the case of students withdrawing after commencement of classes, the school will retain a cancellation charge plus a percentage of tuition and fees, which is based on the percentage of contact hours attended (if training is offered as distance education: ā€œbased on the percentage of no. of lessons completedā€)*. Ā The refund is based on the official date of termination or formal documented withdrawal. Ā Please visit ‘Complete school catalog’ link above for full cancellation information and refund table. Ā If you are unable to complete your course due to illness or natural disaster, please contact the administration office.

If SEI Cancels a Class:Ā In the event a class is cancelled for a reason beyond SEIā€™s control, SEI will work with the student to reschedule them into future online or in-person classes at no fee. Any remaining credit will be held for up to two years in this situation. If a student chooses not to reschedule for a future online or in-person class, and instead would like a tuition refund, then SEI will charge a cancellation charge of $150.00 or 25% of the contract price, whichever is less. SEI is not responsible for losses incurred on housing, travel or other arrangements.

Entrance Requirements: Ā SEI is an open enrollment training organization. Ā However, students still must meet the prerequisites for any course(s) for which they would like to register. Additionally, if a student wishes to be considered for admission into the SEI Solar Professionals Certificate Program, a separate application for admission is required. This program is a selective admissions program where we ask students to complete an application that requires an essay where they can indicate their dedication to successful program completion and their relevant Ā transferable skills that would make them a good candidate for this rigorous training program. Please see application for details, https://www.solarenergy.org/sei-solar-professionals-certificate-program/. Ā The school does not discriminate based on race, sex, religion, ethnic origin, or disability. Ā By completing the SEI enrollment agreement, all students agree to comply with the requirements and directions of the training and supply any information that is relevant to safety and medical issues. Ā Additionally, students completing this enrollment agreement attest to the fact that he or she is physically capable of performing all requirements of the training and agree to comply with all safety regulations and directions given by instructional staff.

Online Course Requirements: By registering for online courses you confirm that you have basic computer literacy skills needed to take an online course. This includes the ability for internet usage, browser based applications, word processing, and email applications. You also confirm that you have consistent and reliable access to high speed internet and a computer. Click here for further online course information.

Previous Credits: Credits from another institution will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. SEI only allows the transfer of a PV101 equivalent course with the same amount of contact hours and learning objectives as SEIā€™s PV101 course. The student may be asked to provide a transcript, certificate of completion, course catalog, link to the course description from the transferring schoolā€™s website showing equivalent course, and will be required to take a PV101 opt-out quiz to prove proficiency of course material. SEI does not guarantee transferability of our credits to another institution unless there is a written agreement with another institution.

Attendance / Online Course Progress Requirements: For SEIā€™s in-person classes and hands-on lab sessions, students are expected to arrive on time for class with proper materials and stay for the full duration of each class day. Additionally, students must attend all class days required for any given course. Instructors will take daily attendance and keep record of the class attendance with SEIā€™s Student Services Department. Missing class, excessive tardiness, or early departure constitute unsatisfactory attendance and the student will be dropped from the class. This will result in the student not earning the record of completion for that class and forfeiting any documented training hours for that class. If a student does not successfully complete a course they will need to register and retake the course. All tuition fees apply. In the SEI Online Campus, course participation and acceptable progress is determined by attempting all quizzes and earning a cumulative average score of 70% or higher in the course. Not doing so, will result in the student not earning a record of completion and forfeiting any documented training hours for the course. Students who are unable to continue classes for medical reasons or severe personal problems will be required to take a leave of absence until they are able to return to class. Proper documentation will be required and a formal request for withdrawal will be required to substantiate a studentā€™s withdrawal request.

Progress Policy: Students must maintain a 70% or higher grade point average to complete the SEI Solar Professionals Certificate Program. The student may be dropped from the program if acceptable progress is not satisfactory after multiple attempts to pass a course. Dropping of a student from the SEI Solar Professionals Certificate Program shall be at the school Directorā€™s discretion. The Executive Leadership Team has final authority and shall notify the student of the final decision.

Financial Assistance:Ā  SEI has a limited number of partial tuition scholarships available for international and low-income participants. We also offer a work/trade program for people taking 8 weeks or more of workshops. Ā Click here for additional info.

Placement Assistance: Ā Solar Energy International (SEI) offers employment assistance to graduates, consisting of job lead referrals and job skills development. Ā While providing resources to help you in your job search, we make no guarantee, expressed or implied, of future employment. Ā Current law prohibits any school from guaranteeing job placement as an inducement to enroll students.

Classroom Support: Solar Energy International strives to support all students. If a student requires extra support and wishes to discuss possible options, they will need to contact Student Services at, [email protected], prior to the start of their course.

Conduct Policy: Ā All students are expected to act maturely and are required to respect other students and faculty members. Ā Possession of weapons, illegal drugs, and alcohol of any kind are not allowed at any time on school property. Ā Any violation of school policies may result in permanent dismissal from school.

Dismissal: Any student may be dismissed for violations of rules and regulations of the school, as set forth in school publications. A student also may be withdrawn from classes if he or she does not prepare sufficiently, neglects assignments, or makes unsatisfactory progress. The Vice President of Student Services, after consultation with all parties involved, makes the final decision. The Vice President of Student Services may temporarily suspend students whose conduct is disruptive or unacceptable to the academic setting. After appropriate counseling, students who demonstrate a genuine desire to learn and conform to school standards of conduct, may be allowed to resume attendance. The Vice President of Student Services will review each case and decide upon re-admittance.

Transcript/Diploma/Certificate Financial Hold Exemption Policy: Detailed information about holds on registrations, transcripts and/or records of completion due to unpaid accounts can be found here.

Student Grievance Procedure: If a student has a grievance regarding any SEI policy or staff member they should contact, via email, SEIā€™s Vice President of Student Services, Monique Turek at [email protected]. Students should first discuss any instructional grievances directly with their instructor. If unable to come to a mutually acceptable conclusion, students should contact, via email, SEIā€™s Vice President of Curriculum & Instruction, Wendy Knapp at [email protected]. Final decisions may be appealed to SEIā€™s Executive Leadership Team at [email protected]. Once a grievance is submitted via email to the Executive Leadership Team, within one week, they will investigate the grievance and arrange an appointment if necessary with the student for discussion. Every effort will be made to resolve any grievance in a timely manner.

Student Complaints: Attempting to resolve any issue with the School first is strongly encouraged. Complaints may be filed by a student or guardian at any time online with the Division of Private Occupational Schools (DPOS) within two years from the studentā€™s last date of attendance or at any time prior to the commencement of training atĀ 303-862-3001.

Health: For information on our health policy, click here.

SEI Contact Training Hours: 6 Weeks Online = 60 hours

This course provides approved credit hours towards the following NABCEP Certifications and Recertifications:

  • PV Installation Professional
  • PV Design Specialist
  • PV Installation Specialist
  • PV Commissioning and Maintenance Specialist
  • PV Technical Sales Professional
  • PV Associate (Renewal only)
  • PV System Inspector (Recertification only)
  • SH Associate (Renewal only)
  • Solar Heating System Inspector (Recertification only)
  • Solar Heating Installer (Recertification only)

Please visit NABCEP’S online course catalog for credit hours breakdown.

For information on SEI’s Solar Professionals Certificate Program please click here.

more on nabcep certification > sei's solar professionals certificate program info >

The 2020 National Electrical Code Book (NEC) is required for the PVOL202 training.Ā  If you do not already have a copy you can purchase your book or PDF of the book at the NFPA website by clicking here.Ā  NFPA makes important safety codes and standards, including the 2011, 2014, 2017 and 2020 NEC availableĀ for free online. This book is NOT included in the tuition of the PVOL202 course.

You will have access to a Digital Course Notebook from within the online course, that can be downloaded for reference after the course completion date.

Yao Geker
Yao Geker
This is one of simplest and yet information packaged courses ever. Very well structured with informed course leaders and extremely easy and user friendly interfaces for those taking the courses online. You are really well informed after every topic treated. Great course by all standards.

Oscar Vega
Oscar Vega
Excellent experience, lot of reading material for the people that work more than 8 hours a day, I think that 10 weeks is a good time frame to finish this course, great!!!

Albert Lawrence
Albert Lawrence
A fantastic and well organized website that offers courses for those who wish to learn about Solar Energy regardless of previous knowledge.

Philip Borycens
Philip Borycens
Took a micro hydro course, and after a week of intense classroom/lab/field studies, left confident that I can apply the concepts to either a home project or to pivot into a career in large hydro electric. Pleased with the instruction provided by Ken and Gabe. Wish I could come back for the solar water pumping course, but definitely highly recommend SEI to anyone looking to boost their skills in renewable energy ⚡️

Charles Groning
Charles Groning
Decent education, although some of the information is dated. Wish I could have enjoyed the learning process but I took the course during a major commercial install. Still, that’s a credit to the course that it was digestible when I was under a lot of pressure at work.

M Mastergeorge
M Mastergeorge
Great introduction into solar and a great value. I might not be ready to go out and do a full install but I’m very comfortable working with other professionals and asking good questions of them.

Japhet Kyarukamba Aristides
Japhet Kyarukamba Aristides
“SEI is more than just a place; it’s a sanctuary where aspirations take flight. My time here has been transformative, as I’ve witnessed firsthand the power of solar education to shape futures and empower people worldwide.”

Jurrel Pawiroredjo
Jurrel Pawiroredjo
I was able to participate in the SEI course, which can put together a total package for you if you want to develop into a solar PV expert within the possibilities in which you can determine your own time, pace and environment.

Etienne Bellemare
Etienne Bellemare
I had a very positive experience with the PVOL101 course. The modules were comprehensive with great instructors who were always open to feedback and discussion. Strongly recommend!



This certificate path covers a comprehensive spectrum of grid-direct residential and commercial photovoltaic design and installation applications.

Residential & Commercial Photovoltaic Systems Online Certificate

This online certificate path covers a comprehensive spectrum of grid-direct residential and commercial photovoltaic design and installation applications.

Battery-Based Photovoltaic Systems Certificate

Through this certificate program you will be trained on the technical application of solar photovoltaic battery-based systems to serve many different areas.

Solar Business and Technical Sales Certificate

Ā A solid focus on the technical, economic, and financial aspects of the solar industry are covered in this program to prepare you for the fast paced solar industry.

International and Developing World Applications Certificate

This certificate program will take you through common battery-based photovoltaic technologies to apply renewable energy in some of the remotest areas of of the world.

Renewable Energy Applications Certificate

This certificate program will expose you to other renewable energy technologies and is often a good “add-on” certificate path for a solar professional who has completed another certificate program.

Solar Professionals Trainer Certificate

This certificate program will expose you to SEIā€™s best classroom curriculum and lab training experience for you and your instructional staff to put on a full solar training program at your school or training organization.